Nextdoor is a private user-driven social network for you, your neighbors and your Woodlands community. It’s the easiest way for you and your neighbors to talk online and make all of your lives better in the real world. And it’s free.
What can the Woodlands Nextdoor site do for you? Need to find a good plumber, carpenter, electrician, roofer or other type of service provider? Ask your neighbors for a recommendation. Or share your own good service experience so your neighbors can take advantage. Need a babysitter or someone to shovel snow? Use the site to ask around. Selling Girl Scout Cookies? Promoting a bottle and can drive? Need to know what is happening in the neighborhood? Been to a great restaurant and want your friends and neighbors to know? The opportunities are limitless.
How to join the Woodlands Neighborhood on Nextdoor? Nextdoor is a private by invitation only web site. You will need to be invited via email or post card by a resident of the neighborhood. To request an invitation, you may contact
NOTE: The Nextdoor is independently managed from The Woodlands Neighborhood web site. You will need to create and maintain separate login accounts on each site.
To join Nextdoor on a web browser:
Visit–falmouth–me/, enter your email address, street address*, and zip code, and click GET STARTED – IT’S FREE.
You will automatically be directed to the Nextdoor Woodlands neighborhood secure web site.
For steps on joining Nextdoor using Nextdoor for iPhone, click here.
For steps on joining Nextdoor using Nextdoor for Android, click here.
PRIVACY SETTINGS: by default nearby neighborhoods have access to your Nextdoor contact info and to share updates with you. For instructions on updating your privacy settings, click here.